
The Xiao Lab

We are interested in taking single molecule measurements into living cells to study the organization, function, and dynamics of cellular processes.


Our Research

Recent News

Dr. Xiao‘s editorial with Drs. Maria Filippa Addis and Ilana Kolodkin-Gal: “Women in microbial physiology and metabolism” is published in Front. Microbiol.! This editorial is part of the Research Topic “Women in Microbial Physiology and Metabolism: 2023″.


Dr. Amilcar Perez and Dr. Xiao‘s new review on Stay on track — revelations of bacterial cell wall synthesis enzymes and things that go by single-molecule imaging” is now available in Curr. Opin Micro!


Dr. Jason Lyu‘s new manuscript on a “third sPG degradation track” FtsN coordinates septal peptidoglycan synthesis and degradation through self-interaction of SPOR in E. coli is now on bioRxiv!


Selected Recent Publications

Zhixin Lyu, Atsushi Yahashiri, Xinxing Yang, Joshua W McCausland, Gabriela M Kaus, Ryan McQuillen, David S Weiss, Jie XiaoFtsN maintains active septal cell wall synthesis by forming a processive complex with the septum-specific peptidoglycan synthases in E. coli, Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1), p5751

Xinxing Yang, Ryan McQuillen, Zhixin Lyu, Polly Phillips-Mason, Ana De La Cruz, Joshua W McCausland, Hai Liang, Kristen E DeMeester, Cintia C Santiago, Catherine L Grimes, Piet de Boer, Jie XiaoA two-track model for the spatiotemporal coordination of bacterial septal cell wall synthesis revealed by single-molecule imaging of FtsW, Nature microbiology, 2021, 6(5), p584-593

CH Bohrer, X Yang, S Thakur, X Weng, B Tenner, R McQuillen, B Ross, Matthew Wooten, Xin Chen, Jin Zhang, Elijah Roberts, Melike Lakadamyali, Jie XiaoA pairwise distance distribution correction (DDC) algorithm to eliminate blinking-caused artifacts in SMLM, Nature methods, 2021, 18 (6), 669-677

Weng X, Bohrer CH, Bettridge K, Lagda AC, Cagliero C, Jin DJ, Xiao JSpatial organization of RNA polymerase and its relationship with transcription in Escherichia coliProc Natl Acad Sci U S A2019 Sep 16;doi: 10.1073/pnas.1903968116

Yang X, Lyu Z, Miguel A, McQuillen R, Huang KC, Xiao JGTPase activity-coupled treadmilling of the bacterial tubulin FtsZ organizes septal cell wall synthesis. Science2017 Feb 17;355(6326):744-747

Coltharp C, Buss J, Plumer TM, Xiao JDefining the rate-limiting processes of bacterial cytokinesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A2016 Feb 23;113(8):E1044-53